Tuesday, February 05, 2008

We're number 9!

Wow... where to start.

I had a great weekend, really. One of the best I've had in a long time.

Why was the weekend so awesome, you ask? Because it was the Annual General Meeting and Social for the 9th Kentucky, Company C. I am, of course, with the civilian section of the reenacting group, but I have now officially joined and paid dues so I can say that it’s my camp.

The day started off at 10:30 with the meeting... election of officers, attendance, introduction of new members, reports from current officers, etc, etc. Broke for lunch and came back to vote on what events the club should attend this year. We ended a pretty nice schedule which will take us all over... Michigan, Indiana, Ohio, and Pennsylvania. After that was new business and then the meeting was over. Time for the Social!

*Before I go on I do want to say that I was quite impressed by the members of the 9th KY. The meeting was held in an orderly fashion and everyone who had an opinion got to express it. Open lines of communication are wonderful. Also, every member is quite focused on historical accuracy and doing the best interpretations they can. I’m really proud to be a new member and hope I can live up to the standard the other members have set.*

On to the social. One word for you.....


Yup, you heard me, grog. Period recipe grog.

Most people brought food to share, and drinks as well. The guys also brought instruments so for several hours there was period music playing in the room as different conversations happened and there was general mingling. I’m actually really excited about going to the Conner Prairie Muster in Indiana. Conner Prairie is an amazing living history site and from what I hear it’s going to be a large event.

The guys sang all 70 verses of ‘What Do You Do With A Drunken Sailor”. That’s a great song, by the way.

As the evening progresses much conversation was had. At one point Mac was trying to convince me and a few others I’d be good infantry. I’ll have to think on it, but it is documented that some women did dress as men and fight in the war. We’ll see... could be fun though if they let me have a musket. Can you picture me with a musket? I’d kick ass if I don’t break the damn thing first.

There’s a lot of other stuff that happened that I won’t go into here, mostly because I don’t want to bore you all with what I thought was fun, and because things got really fuzzy after a certain point. I do however vaguely remember someone saying the one thing that would make me better was a pair of balls, to which someone else replied that I had some things far nicer then a pair, and then I grabbed my boobs.

That would be why I don’t drink much ;)

A few glasses of grog later found me back in my room.... where I proceeded to have quite a bit of cake. Oh yes... quiiiiite a bit.



That’s what happens when I have no cake for a long time and you give me alcohol!

Anyway, a good time was had. A very good time indeed.

I’m looking forward to this summer and the reenacting that comes with it. Since I don’t have the boat this year it’ll be the only living history I get to do, and I have a crap load of personal time to use up, so I won’t mind missing a weekend of work each month.

So, in conclusion....

The 9th rocks and are good at what they do, grog is awesome, walls are bad, I would make a good dude, and I LOVE cake.


At 2:47 PM, February 06, 2008, Blogger Ren said...

Congrats about the cake... However, I wanted more details. I like detailed "baking" examples.

At 4:00 PM, February 06, 2008, Blogger Mandolin said...

Pfffttt... I never post my 'recipes' on here ;)

At 4:39 PM, February 06, 2008, Blogger STP said...

OMG! Let me know when you're coming to Conner Prairie and if you'll have time to spare...CP is just down the street (with a few turns) from me. Weeeee!

At 6:48 PM, February 06, 2008, Blogger Ren said...

Then email it to me, my dear... On second thought... Let me make it up in my head.

At 10:07 PM, February 06, 2008, Blogger Mandolin said...

Swayer, I was actually hoping it was close :D

It's May 16th to the 18th, and it takes me about 4 hours to get there according to google maps.

I'll let you know times when it gets a little closer to the date, but I can always head out early on the 16th and we can have lunch or something before I'm needed at camp.

Ren... I'ma go check my mail.

At 4:55 PM, February 07, 2008, Blogger STP said...

YES! Totally! Drinks and cake...don't worry Ren, we'll send you the pictures. :)

At 6:07 PM, February 07, 2008, Blogger Mandolin said...

Right... the video camera stays home then...

Drinks and cake it is! Just no whiskey... *shudders*

At 9:46 PM, February 07, 2008, Blogger Ren said...

No video camera? What? Pretty please with a *ahem* Cherry on top?

At 11:16 PM, February 07, 2008, Blogger Mandolin said...


Maybe, just because of the pun ;)


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