Tuesday, March 25, 2008

So not out like a lamb

I am officially the worlds most accident prone woman... seriously...

I'm not sure how it happened, but sometime on Friday I popped the bursa sack in my right knee. The bursa sack is full of fluid and cushions the kneecap when you move. When it popped it released that fluid into the area around my knee, causing a lot of swelling and a good amount of paaaaaaaaain.

Now I, being the devoted idiot that I am, decided not only to go see the gent on Sunday night when I should have had my leg up, but used crutches to get to class on Mon morning.... which was almost a half mile walk to and from the parking lot.

At the moment I'm 'supposed' to have my leg up and be resting. Like that'll happen....

I am trying to be good about it though. The last thing I want it for it to keep getting worse and have to get it drained... which involves a very very large needle

So yeah, knees... the bees knees... *shifty eyes*

Blame the meds.

By the way... this is the 2ooth post!!!! This calls for confetti of some sort ;)


At 7:12 PM, March 27, 2008, Blogger Ren said...

I've said it before, and I'll say it again... Glad you didn't burst any other "sacks".

At 1:14 PM, April 01, 2008, Blogger STP said...

Real subtle, Ren.

Hurry up and heal - we've got some shopping to do next month!

At 1:45 PM, April 18, 2008, Blogger STP said...

When do we get post 201?


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