Monday, October 31, 2005

Halloween Post!

Happy Samhain everybody!!!! For those of you who don't know what Samhain is, here's a bit of info for ya.

"Hallowe'en has its origins in the British Isles. While the modern tradition of trick or treat developed in the U. S., it too is based on folk customs brought to this country with Irish immigrants after 1840. Since ancient times in Ireland, Scotland, and England, October 31st has been celebrated as a feast for the dead, and also the day that marks the new year. Mexico observes a Day of the Dead on this day, as do other world cultures. In Scotland, the Gaelic word "Samhain" (pronounced "SAW-win" or "SAW-vane") means literally "summer's end."

Other names for this holiday include: All Hallows Eve ("hallow" means "sanctify"); Hallowtide; Hallowmass; Hallows; The Day of the Dead; All Soul's Night; All Saints' Day (both on November 1st).

For early Europeans, this time of the year marked the beginning of the cold, lean months to come; the flocks were brought in from the fields to live in sheds until spring. Some animals were slaughtered, and the meat preserved to provide food for winter. The last gathering of crops was known as "Harvest Home, " celebrated with fairs and festivals.

In addition to its agriculture significance, the ancient Celts also saw Samhain as a very spiritual time. Because October 31 lies exactly between the Autumnal Equinox and the Winter Solstice, it is theorized that ancient peoples, with their reliance on astrology, thought it was a very potent time for magic and communion with spirits. The "veil between the worlds" of the living and the dead was said to be at its thinnest on this day; so the dead were invited to return to feast with their loved ones; welcomed in from the cold, much as the animals were brought inside. Ancient customs range from placing food out for dead ancestors, to performing rituals for communicating with those who had passed over."

For the rest of the article, go here.

Saturday, October 22, 2005

You bloody well try sticking hot metal things in your head......

Ok, so it's about time for an update. Now seems like a good time for it, seeing as how I will not go anywhere other then my room when I have hot rollers in my hair. That's right, I said hot rollers........ that ones that I hardly ever use even though they make my hair look awesome. The reason I have them in right now is simple....... the Manor House Gala is tonight. For those of you who have no idea what I'm talking about, allow me to explain.

Once every year, there is a fancy fund raiser held in the Wildwood Manor House. The profits from this event go to the parks. There is a silent auction, live entertainment and music, free food (well, for staff anyway), and drinks. Now, tickets for this thing are a hundred dollars a pop, so it's cool that I get in for free. The downside? I have to work. It is formal, tux or a nice suit kind of a thing. Yes, this does mean that I will be wearing a dress, and doing my hair, and even wearing lipstick. The good thing about the Gala this year is that it's a mask ball. Mask balls rock (and no, I don't mean basketballs with masks on them). I will try to get some pictures for the blog, just so you can all see how awesome I will look.

In other news, the kitties are doing very well........ almost too well. They are running all over the place, rock-climbing the couch, and eating all sorts of things. Ra and Isis are getting along with them a little better, the four of them were playing yesterday.

October 30th will be my last day on the boat for this season. I figured out that I'll have to start working out a lot to maintain the muscle tone that I've gotten at this job. I said a while ago that I was going to take up swimming, and now I just might have to follow through with it. Hopefully I'll get to back to the boat next year when they start it up again. That would rock.

That's about all for now, I need to go finish my hair and whatnot.

Later all.

Monday, October 10, 2005

Comfy pants never felt so good

Aaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.............. You can never really know comfort until you've been outside at a Ren. Faire all day, in the cold, in a skirt, and experienced the wind whipping around your legs. Then, sitting in a car for three hours. Dang, but that was chilly...... and my butt fell asleep in the car!

So yeah, Maggie, Jen, Clara, Jason, and I all went to the Ohio Renaissance Faire today. It was totally awesome. The girls all went as wenches, and Jason went as a... well, a renaissance dude. On with the photos!

The Ladies: (From left to right) Jen, Amanda (me!), Clara, and Maggie.

Jason (Maggie's boyfriend) eating one of those turkey legs.

Our side's Knight for the Joust, Sir Sheldon.

JOUST!!!!!!! If you look closely, you can see the lance tips breaking. It is a real joust with real horses, people, lances, and armor. One of the coolest things to watch EVER! T'is a rockin' shot, that one is....

Most of the photos I took are of the joust. I wish I would have gotten more of us and of the village. They have a permanent village set up in Harveysburg that is used just for the Faire, and it's quite a thing to see. We are SO going back next year, so anyone who wants to come is welcome to join us. It's way more fun if you dress up, but we won't make you ;)

The drive back was very...... Interesting. I think some of us were just so tired that everything was funny. Much fun was had by all, and I was really glad to get home when it was all done. I love the Faire and all, but I wanted to put on comfey pants and curl up in a blanket. Oddly enough, that's what I'm doing right now........ hehehe.

Yeah, it's time for bed. Looking back on the whole day, I just have one thing to say.......

I want retractable claws. Failing that... I would like a kick ass sword.

Saturday, October 08, 2005

Because Swayer wanted me too

three names I go by:
1. Amanda
2. Mandolin
3. Mando

three screen names you've had:
1. poetryingray
2. carmilla362
3. mandybug01

three physical things you like about yourself:
1. my hair (most days)
2. the color of my eyes
3. my grace, when I'm not falling down

three physical things you don't like about yourself:
1. my nose
2. my legs
3. my hair (it's a love/hate thing)

three parts of your heritage:
1. Polish
2. English
3. Irish

three things that scare you:
1. the chance that I might fall into the canal lock at work
2. hell yes the dark after a scary movie!
3. the thought of being stuck in one place for the rest of my life

three of your everyday essentials:
1. computer
2. toothpaste
3. CAR!

three things you are wearing right now:
1. shirt
2. blanket
3. kitties

three of your favorite bands or musical artists (at the moment):
1. Green Day
2. Coldplay
3. Postal Service

three of your favorite songs (at the moment):
1. Wake Me Up When September Ends - Green Day
2. Sugar We're goin' down - Fallout Boy
3. My Own Summer (Shove it) - The Deftones

three things you want in a relationship:
1. Humor
2. Openness to new ideas/things
3. Cake

two truths and a lie (in no particular order):
1. Bunny rocks!
2. I want to take Belly Dancing lessons
3. I make a rockin' salsa

three physical things about the [non-]opposite sex that appeal to you:
1. Sense of humor
2. An open mind
3. Willing to accept me as I am

three of your favorite hobbies:
1. Reading
2. Day tripping (as in travel!)
3. Plotting

three things you want to do really badly right now:
1. Go back to Europe
2. Have some chocolate
3. Sing (no, it's not something you want to hear, not at all)

three careers you're considering:
1. Criminal Psychologist
2. Photographer
3. Professional Bitch (why the hell not)

three places you want to go on vacation:
1. Ireland
2. Poland
3. Greece

three kids' names you like:
1. Fiona
2. Caden
3. Maria

three things you want to do before you die:
1. Learn to pole dance
2. Travel the world
3. Drive a '64 Ford Mustang

Three people that I'd like to take this quiz:
1. Lab Boy
2. Maggie
3. Joe