Monday, December 17, 2007


Yup, that's right, I said snow. Today we had the first big snowfall of winter... a whole 8 to 10 inches with ice and freezing rain. It was fun in the sense that work shut down due to the Level 2 snow emergency ;)

Anyway, update time!

Holidays at the Manor House was fun, we had around 12-13000 people through in a week. The best part was probably on Tuesday when I got stuck in the elevator though... we had about 4 people show up to get me out because they had no idea how far between floors I was or if they'd be able to get my out easily. Me? I sat down and had a nice little break. It only took them about 15 min to get me out, so it wasn't all that bad. I swear though, I'm getting a hell of a reputation at the parks... I keep breaking things....

Lets see.... on this coming Tuesday I have orientation at the University of Toledo. I'm freaking out a little because I've never been to school on such a large scale before. If I thought going from homeschooling to the satellite center of a community collage was a shock, I think I'm going to lose it at UT. At the same time I'm ridiculoiusly excited. I've been wanting to go back to school for a year or so now and I'm finally getting around to doing it. Here's hoping for the best!

On the relationship front, men still suck. I'm also hoping I'll manage to meet a nice guy at collage who will change that opinion ;)

Got a letter from the International Society of Poets last week, they're going to publish another one of my poems. This'll be the third one they're doing, and hopefully there will be more in the future. The title of the book they're putting it in is still in the works, but it'll be out late '08. I'll keep you posted when I get new info on it.

Right, so, that's it for now. I'd say I'll update again soon, but the pattern shows that it's highly unlikely ;)