Sunday, December 31, 2006

Love Court

Last night while talking on the phone with a friend, he mentioned something about "Love Court". Now, he said it as an attempted witty comeback to something I had said which was, no doubt, cute and annoying... a comeback that failed in such a lovely way that I couldn't stop giggling. Yes, I giggled... a lot ;) However, once I stopped giggling I came up with something that I can't forget saying.

Love is illogical. It is not based on the laws of man, but rather the laws of the heart. Since love is illogical and can not be defined by normal laws then everything in the court would be based on perspective and emotion, not laws as we know them. Noone would win and nothing would be solved if everyone argued that they did it for love.

Ok, so it's not verbatim, but it was 1 in the morning... so it's close enough.

Interesting concept though. Passion and wronged lovers.. he said she said, all tried in an illogical court of law where emotions rule and screw the laws of the state. Murder, slander, hate, and lies are accepted so long as it's in the name of love.... anything in the name of love...

Who do you love baby ;)