Thursday, July 10, 2008

Yeah, yeah....

Ok, so I know I haven't been around much. There's actually several fantastically good reasons for that....

Allow me to explain.

So CP was awesome, this we all know. The after affects, not so much. The weekend of the encampment I managed to hurt my knee again (bursa sak) and, because of the somewhat unsanitary conditions reenactors deal with as part of the hobby, I got a bladder, UT, and kidney infection... which, because I have a rather high pain tolerance, went unnoticed by me until I work up in intense pain and had to be carted off to the ER. Let me tell you.... that is the WORST pain I have even been in, and I almost lost six fingers once, so that's saying something.

Ok, so after that I'm slowly recovering from both the kidney thing and the knee thing while starting my new job. Long days, lots of standing, it's a hard life :P

On the upside, I can now make kick ass smoothies.

Couple of weeks ago I'm talking with my friend Maggie and she tells my that our friend John who went off to boot camp in May and is one of my ex boyfriends, is getting married. Married! Before he left, John and I went to see a movie and we talked a lot. He kind of left me with the feeling that we'd be hanging out a lot and maybe more when he got back, which was awesome cause he broke up with me and there were still feelings on my part and yeah... that thing. Anyway, so we were writing back and forth when I got sick and injured and I stopped writing because of how shitty I felt and didn't want to send him depressing news in addition to the fact that I was drugged... a lot.

Of course, once I stopped writing, he stopped. I find out later that he's calling and talking to people, just not me. Ouch. So he goes and get married to his girlfriend (who, oddly enough... looks like a less charismatic version of me ;) )) and then comes back into town for the 4th and tells his friends... except me.


Moving on.

Went to Gettysburg, had an aaaaawesome time. Sadly, I got poison ivy that weekend. Also, sadly, I didn't realize it was on my legs and shaved a few times before I thought 'Hey, that odd bumpy thing is spreading!' Stopped shaving, got an anti-itch treatment, forgot to check ingredients on the gel, had an allergic reaction to the Benzyl IN the gel.... swear to god man, I almost clawed the skin off my legs.

While dealing with the itching, I'm notified of a meeting for myself and two of my co-workers at the park where I work. These co workers and I all hold the same position/title and we're the only ones left who have it because they're not hiring anyone else into that position. Because the parks if funded (mainly) by the money from county property taxes, our income is based on what things are worth... because the housing market and economy are in the tank.... you get where I'm going with this?

Anyway, we had the meeting today and yeah, our jobs are being 'eliminated' at the end of July.

Instead of having us as year round employees, they want to hire seasonals who will work from April to mid December. Of course since we're all trained, they want us to apply for the seasonal positions. However, IF I get the seasonal job, the only thing I'll keep is my pay rate. Five years of seniority, paid holidays, paid time off... all gone.

So yes, I've been a little stressed out lately. Juuuust a tad.

On the upside, my knee is actually doing better and I have it out of the brace. Yay?

And now, after I'm sure I've given you all WAY too much info for your liking, I'm off to bed. Tomorrow is the first day off in a couple of weeks and I'm going to get as much sleep as I can :D