Wednesday, January 23, 2008

What did we learn over the weekend?

Benzolamonniachloride is also bad for me.

Damned cleaning supplies.

Saturday, January 12, 2008

Living on Vitaman Water

Aaaaaaand update!

Sorry Swayer, no cake for you ;)

So I had my other two classes... tues and thurs may be a little taxing. The classes are interesting so far, but both require a lot of note taking. Not that the other classes don't, these two just take more. It really doesn't help that in my Developmental Psych course, the instructor uses powerpoint a lot and gives us next to no time too copy what's on the slides. My right hand started cramping up on thurs... not good people. Not good.

All in all I think it will be a good semester. I've been able to sort out my work hours, and reenacting won't be picking up till about the time I get done in April, so I'll have my weekends for studying. Also, the UT campus has a kick ass rec center, so you can bet I'll be in there a lot in the coming months.

Now, on the subject of cake... I had some last night. A nice strawberry wedding cake.

We had a wedding and reception at the Manor House last night. Ceremony, catering, dancing... the works. It was fairly involved. One of the rooms we had to change the set up in twice over the course of the event to allow for different activities, and my co-worker and I spent a good part of the night trying to keep the little kids who were there entertained and off of the stairs. It went quite well, really. The bride, groom, and assorted family left happy.

So, given the fact that we do so much for these people... provide good customer service, provide different set ups, watch the children, help the caters, etc.... I was amazed today to find out that someone, I have no idea who, at the parks said that the jobs of the staff in the History Department could be done by trained monkeys....

My ass it could.

Come ooooon education! I think I need a new job ;)

Monday, January 07, 2008

When I was your age, Pluto was a planet!

No, really, I swear it was!

I can imagine saying that to my nieces and nephews someday... it'll be a hoot.

Anyway, I'm back! Again! And using many exclamation point just because I enjoy the shift key!!!!

Started school today as a UT student. I'm happy to say that I did not get lost on my first day of class, but it was a close call. Made it to everything on time, and so far I like both of my professors. One of them is from Australia... it's sweet. Monday/Wednesday is Social Inequality and Cognitive Psychology. Tuesday/Thursday is Developmental Psychology and Cultural Anthropology. The only problem I can see so far is the fact that Tues/Thurs my class is at 9... so factor in travel time and showering, I need to be up at, if not before, 7 am. I am not a morning person. I can hardly even form words before 10 am, no matter how much sleep I get.

The campus is gorgeous. UT was founded in 1872, so a lot of the buildings have an older style of architecture. I consider it a very good sign that the College of Arts and Sciences (which is my part) is located in the oldest building on campus. I've loved the bell and clock tower on University Hall since I first saw it, and now I can hear the bells going off when I'm sitting in class. A little distracting, yes... but cool anyway.

Anyway, I have a migraine the size of... well, a very large migraine... so I'm going to step off the comp for a bit. I promise there will be one more update this week. If not, Swayer can have all my cake ;)