Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Burn baby, burn

Burn baby, burn
Burn with the passion of a thousand hearts
All in love, or torn apart

Burn baby, burn
There's a blood red sea in which your swimmin
And all you have to do is invite me in

Burn baby. burn
I wanna see your body writhe
Cause I'll be there if you let me lie

Burn baby, burn
With the tales you told, so sweet
Let them caramelize your body as they rock you off to sleep

Burn baby, burn
I need to see your tears and fears
The wounds left still run deeper then they appear

So burn baby,
Burn for me

The third to last line is still off after an hours work... but I'll get the bugger.

Monday, May 28, 2007

The Seventh Level

The Dante's Inferno Test has banished you to the Seventh Level of Hell!
Here is how you matched up against all the levels:
Purgatory (Repenting Believers)Very Low
Level 1 - Limbo (Virtuous Non-Believers)Very Low
Level 2 (Lustful)Extreme
Level 3 (Gluttonous)High
Level 4 (Prodigal and Avaricious)Very High
Level 5 (Wrathful and Gloomy)Very High
Level 6 - The City of Dis (Heretics)Very High
Level 7 (Violent)Extreme
Level 8- the Malebolge (Fraudulent, Malicious, Panderers)Extreme
Level 9 - Cocytus (Treacherous)Very High

Take the Dante's Divine Comedy Inferno Test

I took this a while ago and ended up in the Second Level of Hell...... I guess I'll have to work on my anger issues ;)

Cell Block Tango

Friday, May 25, 2007

Weekly Musings #1

I despise those little tab things on the back of footwear.

I'd cut them off, but I get the feeling it might make my Sketchers feel like less of a shoe....

Thursday, May 24, 2007

Apartment hunting

Alright... I got some crappy news tonight, so I need to vent a bit.

-For almost the past year, I have been living in an apartment.

-My roommate is someone whom I work with at both of my jobs.

-The lease on the apartment is up in mid June.

-My roommate is hardly ever AT the apartment.

That having been said, for the past several weeks/months I've been trying to get an answer from my roonmmate on if she'll be able to renew our lease or not. Yesterday I found out that she doesn't think she'll be able to renew it, but she still doesn't know for sure.

This leaves me less then a month to either find a new roommate, find a new apartment, or move back in with my parents.

I am beyond pissed.

Her plan is to move in with her boyfriend, cause he ownes a house. That way she doesn't have to pay rent, and she's over there all the time anyway. Good for her, that's a pretty sweet set up..... however, it leaves me in the lurch.

She's all 'Oh, I'm so sorry I couldn't tell you sooner'. Really??? Cause from where I'm sitting, you could have at least told me what you were planning a little sooner.

So now I'm looking for new places to stay. I doubt I'll be able to find a new roommate in time, and I'd rather live with someone I know anyway. I really hope I can find a decent place and not have to move back to the rents again... I like living on my own.

Anyway, wish me luck.

And wish me into a better mood as well.....

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Tuning the Piano

I can hear it outside of my door, one long and mournful note after another. The same note, time after time after time. Monotonous, and yet strangely comforting... almost like a daily routine. I hear it floating into my space, making me stop and close my eyes as it meanders to my ears.

Setting down my sewing, I walk outside and sit on the steps of my building and take a seat. All is quiet except for that one note. It sends shivers up and down my spine as I hear it over and over. The soft light twang, the same vibration of a hammer on string that I've heard many times before. Slowly, it starts to change.... shrill at first, and then just a little too low. Small changes that you may not think would affect the song, but matter all the same.

There is silence for a moment, a small shuffling and the sound of wood on wood. I'm ready to stand when I hear the first few notes of a song wandering across the hall where I sit. It's soft and slow, a jazz tune like what you might find if you were in the bar of a Nior film. I can hear the note in there, the sad one... it sounds so at home in the song, surrounded by other notes of it's kind.

It makes my happy in a way, to know the note is safe. It's been twisted and tuned so many times now, but in the end it always stays the same. That one note, so lonely and full of longing on it's own, is so much more when set in time with others. I wonder if, somehow, we're all notes. All different on our own then we are with others... maybe some of us are better that way.

Music is a beautiful thing.

Monday, May 21, 2007

Civil War '07

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Yes, it was that time of year again.... the Civil War Encampment at Wildwood. Once more, I'd been looking forward to this event for ages, and it was well worth the wait.

Friday I went and picked up my corset... only to find out it was too big. I ended up taking it back and getting the right size, but I was worried there for a bit.

On Saturday I had to work from 8:30 am to 9 pm. During the day I did general running around (they let me drive a gator!) and helped out the wonderful reenactors that came to the event. At 6 I had to switch gears and get all prettied up for tours in the house. The best part of the day was when I got off of work. Molly and Christina came out for a bit, and we all hung out with the 9th KY. at their camp. The guys had a tent set up and were playing period music by fire and candlelight.... it was awesome. Molly and Christina had to leave around 10 or so, bit I ended up staying at the park and hanging out till about 2 or 2:30.

Sunday was nice too, the weather for the whole weekend was beautiful. I only had to work 4 hours on Sun, so I had lots of time to get into my period dress. After work I got changed and headed out to watch the ending on the ball game between the Westside Emeralds and the Ohio Village Muffins. A well played game, even though I only saw the last two innings ;)

This was the biggest year we've had so far for the encampment. Each time we have more reenacted and (even though I haven't seen the official numbers yet) more visitors. I really think that with some work, the encampment at Wildwood could be one of the best events out there. I am a little biased though, just cause I work there and all.

The thing that capped it all off was that I was invited to join the 9th KY.... as in, become a reenactor. I love the idea of doing encampments on weekends, and doing it more often makes sense since I look forward to the one at Wildwood so much. I already do living history for the canal boat, so it wouldn't be too much of a jump to start on the civil war. A bit more research, new clothes and camp gear.... I'm strongly considering it. Besides, the guys and gals in the 9th are some of the nicest people.... they love what they do and have fun while doing it, and I'd be more then happy to join them.

I blame this all on my parents. They always took me and my brothers to encampments, reenactments, and ren faires... this is all their fault!

Also, I have a hickey..... *coughsandwinks*

Had to get back on the horse at some point. And let me tell you, I missed it so very, very, much.

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Not Again...

I'm not doing it again.

I meet this guy... and he's sweet and funny and just... nice. He lives several states away, and I miss him horridly when we don't talk. And because of the time difference we can't talk often.

I just, I can't do another relationship. It's not worth all the time and effort I'd out into it. I'd end up hurt again. With my history, avoiding hurt is the best thing I can do right now.

Maybe in time, if he lets me take it slow... maybe I'll be ready.

It'll be a long time.

Saturday, May 12, 2007

Love Me Not

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

I wish I had found this sooner.

The poem and art aren't mine, but they're both beautiful.

"I fear our love will fade
I fear for feelings forgot
The pain of passion dying
outweighs knowing love not
I wish to never see our
romance turn to rot
And so... I do beseech my
love, to please... love me not."

Wednesday, May 09, 2007

May 9th... one year later

Today is the one year anniversary of what has come to be known as 'The Incident" on a day I called "Bloody Tuesday". For those of you who have no idea what in the frilly dickens I'm talking about, please refer back to this post. For fun visuals, go here.

So a year after the incident the hands are doing well. There's still some scar tissue I'm working with in most of the fingers, and the little one on my left hand (the one that was in the splint) healed a little oddly, but at least they all work. Best part is, I'm almost back to the full range of motion I had before.

My hands do hurt sometimes, like when I'm cold and wet or if there's bad weather coming.... and I don't have all my gripping power back yet. It makes a few things hard, and I'm still a bit unsure and tentative about a few things.... but for the most part I think it's good.

Aside from the fingers, things are ok. Baby 2.0 runs great, the boat is awesome when it's not raining, I'm still in the apartment, and Civil War Days at Wildwood is next week! This year I have a dress, corset, and the whole bit, so I'll be in period dress after I get off work on Sunday. It'll only give me a few hours of free time to hang out and see the encampment after I get done working, but it'll be worth it.

Scooting off for now.... more updates soon ;)

Thursday, May 03, 2007

Hooker Boots

There are very few feelings better then watching two guys almost rollerblade into each other because they were watching you walk.

I blame the skirt and the hooker boots ;)

I should wear them to work often.