Sunday, June 26, 2005

Hold on a second while I grab your boob

I can never thank Vinnie enough for that quote. It came just after drunk Vinnie and drunk Jeramy had a very insightful discussion about the Tom Noe coin scandal taking place here in Toledo. All of this happened very early Sunday morning at Steve's going away party. Now, before any of you get confused, this is not my ex-boyfriend Steve I'm talking about. The Steve I am talking about works with me at Ciao and will be moving to Minnesota in about a week, hence the party.

I got there at about 7 and only a couple other people were there. Mostly people from Ciao, so we talked shop for a bit before some other folks showed up. Chef Kenny made some great kabobs and coconut shrimp on the grill. Once Ciao slowed down, more people from work showed up. Dan, B-low, Vinnie, Challen, Caitlin, Rob, Kerby, and the ever so interesting Helena. Adding to the fun of the night was the keg, margarita bowl, John's bar tending powers, Steve's awesome outdoor sound system, and lots of c.d.'s. Oh, and a full wading pool with inflatable baseball bats. Here's a short list of thing that happened during the 10 and a half hours while I was hanging out there.

* Dancing
* Drinking
* Ass smacking
* Keg stands
* Hide n' go seek in the dark
* Boob grabbing
* More drinking
* Swimming
* Drunken political debates
* Yet more drinking
* Near skinny dipping (Vinnie)
* Hula dancing
* Kabob wars
* Ass grabbing
* The great pineapple massacre of '05
* Steve pimping it in the pool with three ladies while wearing a cowboy hat and Elvis glasses
* Vinnie's boxers ending up on Steve's garage roof

Man, I am so gonna miss Steve when he moves.

I got home around 5:45 and fell into bed at about 6. In case you're wondering, no I did not get drunk. I had some beer and rita's, but I stopped drinking around 12. I had a great time, as if you couldn't tell, and I'm so glad that I didn't have work today.

I'll post again later this week when I find out if Vinnie remembered his boxers. Hehehe.....

Friday, June 24, 2005

Who wears short shorts?

I do! The car washing was a success, however I now smell like windex and orange indoor cleaner.

The links have been fixed, I also divided them up into blogs and just stuff. If you don't know why this is important, read the last bit of the post before this one. The thing about Miles Kendall is what you're looking for.

Thursday, June 23, 2005

We all cave in at some point

Happy Solstice everybody! I know it's a day late, but it's sumer now and I thought I should give a nod to the day that started it. I actually went out and bought a pair of shorts to wear so I can wash my car tomorrow. I know I said I wasn't going to be wearing shorts this summer. but there is no way I am spending around three hours cleaning the bejezus out of my car while wearing jeans. So yeah, tomorrow I will be wearing tiny cloth shorts and a tank top while washing my car. I hope you all enjoy that image, although I won't be anywhere near as skanky as Paris Hilton.

My arm is doing better. After we took the stiches out the wound popped open and I had to put butterfly closures on it. The doctor said that it's going to heal by secondary intention now, so instead of having a small fine scar, I'm going to have a tip'o the thumb sized one. On the upside, it wasn't malignent, so I'm happy about that.

The past couple of days have been so nice that I just had to spend hours outside. Cloudless, sunny, and not to humid, perfect for sitting outside and doing nothing for a while. Tonight when I was sitting out by the garden I noticed the fireflies out by the wetlands. It looked like someone strung up blinking white christmas lights along the trees. Add in the fact that fog was rolling in with a full moon shining on everything........ it was really beautiful. It's times like that when I'm really glad I don't live in a city. There's still a bit of semi country left out here!

On that note, I'm going back outside to look at the stars for a bit. You can still see them here, and on clear night they look great.

P.S. To my a-nonny-mouse commenters. Please go to the "Other" option in the comment window and post with a name. I don't care if you need to make up a name, but this will give me the chance to address you directly instead of giving out numbers. Thank you.

Also, be sure to check out the Miles Kendall link and help us with the Google Bomb.

Tuesday, June 14, 2005

Strawberries are the best fruit ever

I lied when I said the next post would be a special "Would You Rather" edition, but I had some stuff I wanted to talk about. For starters, last Saturday was my 22nd birthday. Not a horribly bad day, however it did kind of suck. Got up at 7 so I could go to work from 9-5, found out the skirt I was going to wear had a broken zipper. Spent 15 min. trying to fix said zipper and ended up a bit late for work. Work wasn't bad, tried to call Maggie to see if she wanted to go out for lunch or something but couldn't reach her. Went to the Pizza Challenge at Westgate to pour beer for 4 and a half hours, turns out that instead of pouring beer we were twisting the caps off of the bottles. My hands, while not soft, are not used to having to open over 500 bottles of beer in one night. So Saturday night and all of Sunday my hands were blistered, swollen, and really sore. To add to the soreness, I was standing in puddles of water from the melting ice all night, so my pants and shoes/socks were really wet. At the end of the night I had a couple beers and some pizza before heading home. So like I said, not a horribly bad night, but not what I had in mind for my birthday. I think, between us, Maggie and I haven't had a good birthday in about three years. Maybe next year.............

Another reason I'm posting to day is that it marks another sort of anniversary for me. 2 years ago today was the end of my longest, and really only, serious relationship. Sure there have been guys since then, maybe a week here and there, but nothing longer then a month really. For some reason, people (guys) find this hard to believe. When I ask these people why they have trouble with the idea that I've been mostly unattached for the past two years, they say that I seem like the kind of girl any guy would like to have. Ironically, most of the people who say this are my guy friends.
I think part of it might be that I'm scared any new relationship I have will end up with me getting hurt. Every single guy I've dated has left me. Not one of them ended with a mutual breakup or with me leaving the guy. So, since I'm scared of getting hurt, I'm scared of starting a new relationship because the only end I can see is one in which I will be left alone and hurt again. Because I think that, it comes out in the way I act around guys who are interested in me, which might be the thing that turns them off the most. Honestly, there aren't that many guys that are interested in me, so the last thing I need to do is mess stuff up with the few who ask me out.

Bah, to much thinking for today. See what happens when I don't have classes to take up my free time? I think I'll go outside and play in the garden.

Saturday, June 11, 2005

I am your angel

I would like to start this post by saying that I am bomb ass hot. I know that some of you (Maggie) have been telling me this for years, but it's taken me a while to get it through my head. I guess the red hair acts as some kind of shield against good things that I ought to hear. The reason I understand just how good I now look is that I was busy over the week with a project. This project required that I take photos of myself with a digital camara. I got kind of artsy with it, but I ended up with a lot of great pictures. Of course, the ones I kept make me look, as stated above, bomb ass hot. Hopefully I'll be able to put some on the blog soon.

Wednesday I had the birthmark taken off of my right arm. I've got about seven stitches in my arm right now, and they itch so very, very badly. I should have the test results for it back by next week, so keep those fingers crossed. It's fitting though, that I should have something that's been with me since I was born removed a couple of days before anniversary of said birth, which I've just noticed is today. Damn me and my ever so late posts, I never finish them the day I start them.

Went shopping, bought some stuff. Since I'm pretty sure that I won't be wearing shorts again this year, I've decided to get some skirts. Things are off to a good start, I got a totally awesome black cotton one at Old Navy. I think I'm going to go back and get a couple mare, they had some nice ones. Also, I can wear these skirts to work, which makes them a better choice then shorts, whice I can't wear to work. I can validate anything.

I'm gonna call it a night. I have to be up at 7 for work, then I'm volenteering at a fundraiser for Lourdes College. I get to pour beer for three hours, woohoo. Next post will be a special "Would You Rather" edition that I hope will entertain.

Night all.

"Your heart won't heal right if you keep tearing out the sutures"

Monday, June 06, 2005

What to do when it rains.

It's raining out right now. Soft tiny raindrops that kind of float around before hitting the ground. The grass is all wet and cool, while the air is a little warm and sticky. One of the best things to do in this kind of weather is walk around outside barefoot. It's late and dark, so you're not distracted by lights and daytime noises. If you just stand there and close your eyes, things seem so...... calm. It's almost like I'm in my own world. Wet feet, misty hair and all standing in a place apart from what I deal with everyday. No stress, no worries, nothing but me and the night time silence. The only word that I can think of to describe it is beautiful.

Part of it is due to the fact that a storm rolled through earlier. I love the large storms, they make things feel cleaner when they're over. It's odd that I feel the same about the chaos of the storm and it's calm aftermath. I could say that it represents the duality in me and in everyday life. Well, part of that may be true, but I think that it's just the rain. It's wet and fresh, bringing with it a sweet smell of damp earth that lasts for hours after the rain ends.

It may seem a bit ironic that I'm talking about standing outside in the rain while I'm sitting at the computer, but rest assured that I spent plenty of time outside before this. However, there comes a time when one must return to the indoors. So I shall sit and await the next rain, and when it comes I'll go outside and get soaked just for the fun of it. Then I'll stand there and visit my own little place for a bit before returning to the real world.

Thursday, June 02, 2005

Stupid Fucking Toner!

OK, so I haven't had the best last couple of days. Mostly it was just yesterday, with the work and all. Wednesday I was at Ciao! doing the whole host thing that I'm so good at, when Becky want's me to go make copies/fix the copier. So I'm in there, trying to fix a paper jam when I'm told that the toner needs to be changed. Now I really don't get along well with copiers, and it's worse when I'm wearing dress clothes. I locate the toner and am pulling it out when it explodes all over me. It was a loose powder toner, but it still got all over my hair, face, and shirt. I should add that it was a brand new white shirt. Of course Becky picks this exact moment to come in and ask if I need any help. After seeing what happened to me, she says that the last time she tried to change the toner the same thing happened to her. Thanks for the warning Becky! I spent the next half hour getting toner off of my shirt and out of my hair and cleavage, thanks to my semi low-cut tank top. Lucky for me it wasn't the kind of loose toner that turns to ink when you mix it with water. The shift went mostly to hell after that, although it did have a few redeeming qualities. Once again, we have a new Manager at Ciao! This will be my fifth while working for this company. Kimberly reminds me a lot of Karen and Erica from Stixx. I think she's going to do well at Ciao!, a lot of the staff likes her already.

If you have time after reading this, please read the post below. I would like some feedback on it since it's my first real accidental attempt at creative writing.

Wednesday, June 01, 2005

Random Thought's in the Snow: Parts II and III

Thought I'd post the last two parts of my "Random Thought's" series since I got part III done. If anybody want's to go read part I, it's back in the April archives. I think it's progressed from a prose poem to a trial in creative writing. Let me know what you all think.I will make an actual post tomorrow when I'm not so tired.

Random thoughts in the Snow: Part II

“So here I am, at the fridge again. Don’t know why I keep coming back here, maybe it’s a sense of comfort. This thing has been here since, well............ forever. I think it’s because it’s a constant. Something that is always there and doesn’t change. Heck, there’s still crayon marks on it from when we where all small.

You ever notice how things are happier when you’re a kid? You don’t really fully understand what’s going on until a certain age, and everything seems to held a sense of joy. I wish I could’ve bottled that feeling. Maybe frozen it and stuck it in the freezer for when I’m having a bad day. hehehe...... “emotion-sickle.”

Pull it out of the freezer from in between the ice cubes and the juice. Wonder what it would taste like? I guess it would depend on the kind of joy. I think it would taste like those little lemon candies. Kind of sweet and sour, and it’s leave a nice lemony aftertaste. Lemon flavored feeling won’t fix anything though.

I keep looking for something in here, the problem is that I don’t know what. Every time I open this thing, I start thinking more abstractly then usual. Weird, I get inspiration from a fridge. That’s just messed up on some strange level. But hey, whatever floats your boat brain.

I should stop this, it's not solving anything at all. But what happens when I stop? Nothing? What if I never find what I need? I have to find it, I can't just stop in the middle of everything.

I think I’ll clean out the freezer.”

“Random Thoughts Part III”

“So here I am again. It’s midnight and I’m looking at the off-white doors again. I’ve cleaned the whole thing out and I still haven’t found anything. Then again, I really never figured out what I was looking for in the first place.

I could go through it once more, continue the search for something that doesn’t exist. At this point I’d only be doing it because I’m bored, not because I want to find something. The temptation is still there, although I don’t know why. I think people are always searching for something, be it love, success, friendship, or just peace. What am I looking for? Well, if I knew that, do you think I’d be standing here getting all existential with my fridge?

It’s standing right there. I reach out to it like an old friend. This time I’ll find what I want. When I open it this time, it will be the last. No, no opening. It will stay closed this last time. What I want isn’t in there, it never was. Maybe I thought I could use it as an excuse, a defense mechanism against some kind of fear.

Turning my back, I walk away. I’ll go to bed and wake up tomorrow to do what I always do. I’ll go to work, school, and hang out with my friends. I’ll stop worrying about what I don’t have, what I don’t need just now. What I have is good enough for me. Tomorrow is a new day, and suddenly I'm not hungry.”