Sunday, November 26, 2006

Recyled Air

The stale taste of this recycled air
Passing out of one and into another
Does it take a part of someone with it?
That air, so soft and flowing
Does it keep a part of each body in pauses at?
It enters, swirling about in lungs and staying for a few seconds
Only to exit with a simple sigh and drift about
Mixing with the rest of the atmosphere till inhaled again
Repeat process and continue
Does it somehow connect me to you?
This air I breathe, exhale, and send on it's way
Perhaps a little bit of it makes it's way to you
Floating around you and touching your being
As I wish to do, and it makes me smile
To think a small piece of me is with you
No matter how far apart we may be

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Rant time

I was talking with some people tonight, some people I've known for a while and consider friends. We were talking about a lot of things, and at some point, it turned kinda nasty.

Now, last time I looked, I was an adult. I can drink, I can vote, I live on my own and support myself. As an adult, I have my own views, beliefs, and opinions that I have come to hold dear after looking at all the options I have in life. If I like, I can buy a foreign car, or quit my job and move to Europe. Those are my choices and no one else's.

My problem is not with people who have views different then mine, different views make things interesting if you can talk about them in a reasonable manner. My problem is when someone has such strong views on something that they try and guilt me into changing my views on something I really believe in.

If I buy a foreign car, don't try and tell me that the money I paid for it is going to support terrorists because the car wasn't build in America. If I want to move to Germany or Russia, don't try and make me feel guilty because of what those nations did, or do to the people living there.

My views, my opinions, my beliefs or lack thereof... they are MINE! If they differ from yours and you do not like it, then stuff it. I have enough stress in my life that I don't need someone trying to guilt me into believing something that doesn't fit my personality. The things I believe in fit me well and are the results of many years of the trials and errors that come with life. As I get older and new things happen, they may change, but they will change because I choose them to.

Life is about choices, some hard and some easy. I like me because I'm different, because I don't believe whatever people want me to. The ONLY thing you will do by trying to guilt me into something is you will make me resent you. I'm willing to talk about things, I've always been willing to talk, but not like that. It's fine for two people to not agree, it happens all the time, just don't try and make me feel guilty for the choices I make. I'm sure I could find a few things I could guilt you about if I really felt that mean, but I'm not. Why? Because I respect the differences and other peoples opinions enough to sometimes not say something hurtful.

Ok, rant over-ish. We may revisit this later if I'm still ticked, but I need sleep now.

Nights all you darling crazy people.